Become an exhibitor or competitor!
There is much to see and do at the Show but the fun can start well before Show Day with many and varied opportunities for everyone young and old to enter in a range of competitions from cooking and sewing to photography, vegetable growing and a whole lot more.
The show boasts adults, children’s and photography exhibition halls as well as an Intergenerational competition which is featured in the John Marchetti Farm Shed so why not try your hand at entering. There are sections for Arts, Crafts, Cooking, Sewing, Flowers, Vegetables, Lego, Woodworking, Eggs, Honey, Jam and more. The Italian Sausage competition has been a popular addition to the show in recent years.
The Woodchopping competition is held on the green near entry gate 2 on Millar Street and is an amazing spectacle of skill and strength as the axemen compete against each other throughout the day.